.. This file is part of Invenio. Copyright (C) 2017-2018 CERN. Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License; see LICENSE file for more details. Configuration ============= The default values of configuration options are guessed based on installed packages. .. data:: SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI The database URI that should be used for the connection. Defaults to ``'sqlite:////.db'``. .. data:: SQLALCHEMY_ECHO Enables debug output containing database queries. Defaults to ``True`` if application is in debug mode (``app.debug == True``). .. data:: DB_VERSIONING Enables versioning support using SQLAlchemy-Continuum. Defaults to ``True`` if ``sqlalchemy_continuum`` package is installed. .. data:: DB_VERSIONING_USER_MODEL User class used by versioning manager. Defaults to ``'User'`` if ``invenio_accounts`` package is installed. .. data:: ALEMBIC Dictionary containing general configuration for Flask-Alembic. It contains defaults for following keys: * ``'script_location'`` points to location of the migrations directory. It is **required** key and defaults to location of ``invenio_db.alembic`` package resource. * ``'version_locations'`` lists location of all independent named branches specified by Invenio packages in ``invenio_db.alembic`` entry point group. Please check following packages for further configuration options: 1. `Flask-SQLAlchemy `_ 2. `Flask-Alembic `_ 3. `SQLAlchemy-Continuum `_